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There are four feeds on, each with its own ranking logic:

  1. My feed
  2. Popular feed
  3. Most upvoted feed
  4. Best discussions feed

Prefer a video version? Check out this 6-minute video that explains each feed in detail:

My feed

Your feed contains posts that are relevant to you and your interests (once you have set it up).

Creating your personal feed

If you are new to, the first thing we strongly recommend is setting up filters on your feed. This will unlock the true power of, showing posts that are relevant to your interests.

There are three guides to help you get the most out of your feed:

  1. a detailed guide on how to set up your feed.
  2. A guide on how to adjust the content types that appear in your feed.
  3. A guide on blocking tags and sources you do not wish to see in your feed that you do not wish to see in your feed.

Once you have followed the steps in these guides, you will have "My Feed" set up exactly to your likes and interests!

The popular feed uses our ranking algorithm to provide you with posts that are recent, gaining lots of traffic and gaining lots of positive responses from the community (either via upvotes or positive comments).

To explain this further, let's quickly look at a brief overview of how posts are ranked on our popular feed.

Once a post is featured on, it begins to rank based on various factors, such as:

  • The number of unique reads the post has received
  • The number of upvotes the post has obtained from our community members
  • The freshness of the post, or how recently it was published
  • Other parameters related to content quality and engagement levels By considering these factors, we aim to increase the likelihood of interesting and valuable posts surfacing to the top of the feed.

However, we understand that sometimes you may prefer to view the latest posts we've featured without the influence of our ranking algorithm. To accommodate this, we've added the option to sort the Popular feed by date.

Sorting by date

By default, there is a drop-down menu that allows you to change the order of the popular feed. If it is not activated on your profile, you can easily enable it by following these steps:

  1. Click the "Customize" button on the sidebar (1).
Sidebar menu with the "Customize" button highlighted, last item in the main menu section (1)
  1. Switch on the toggle, "Show feed sorting menu"
Customize modal with the "Show feed sorting menu" toggle highlighted (2)
  1. Go back to the popular feed, and you should see a new sorting option in the upper left corner (3).
  2. You can then choose to change the feed to sort either "By Date" or by "Recommended" (4).
Customize modal with the "Show feed sorting menu" toggle highlighted (2)

Most upvoted feed

In the "Most Upvoted" Feed, we feature the posts with the highest number of upvotes on the platform. The ranking in this feed is based on the number of upvotes over a given timescale. The higher the upvote count, the higher the post will be listed in the feed.

Changing the date filter

The default view is the most upvoted posts of the last 7 days. However, you can choose to filter it to a different time frame using the drop-down (5).

There are three options (6):

  • Last week
  • Last month
  • Last year
The drop-down located top right of the "Most upvoted" feed is highlighted (5). The drop-down is open showing "Last week", "Last month" and "Last year" as options (6)

Best discussions feed

In the "Best Discussions" feed, we showcase the most interesting discussions currently taking place on The ranking is determined by multiple factors, including the reputation levels of the people who commented, the freshness of the comments, and the number of upvotes on the comments, among others. This feed is designed to help you find engaging and interesting discussions that you can participate in!