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Welcome to the official guide for Search, a powerful tool we made to supercharge you as a developer. If you're like many other developers who rely on to stay ahead of the curve, you know how invaluable it is to have the most up-to-date information at your fingertips.

But what happens when you have a specific question, problem, or issue that requires immediate attention? That's where Search comes in.

Our AI-powered search engine is designed to answer your questions directly, pull in insights from a call over the web, and present them to you in a concise and actionable format. This isn't just another search engine; it's a search engine that's both fine-tuned for developers and fully integrated into the ecosystem.


Beta Access: If you're wondering why you haven't seen this new Search on your platform yet, it's because we're currently in the beta testing phase. Access to this feature is limited to a select group of users who are helping us fine-tune the experience. We appreciate your patience and can't wait to roll it out to everyone soon. If you can't wait and want to have access please email us at

Key Features

Before diving into the specifics, let's talk about why Search is unlike any other search engine you've encountered. Built with developers like you in mind, it offers a blend of accuracy, transparency, convenience, and reliability to take your day-to-day developer experience to the next level.

Here are some of its most impactful features:

  • No Hallucinations, No Made-Up Answers: While many other AI-powered search engines are optimized to answer, we optimize for accuracy. If the engine doesn't know the answer to your query, it will simply tell you. No made-up answers, no hallucinations. Period.
  • Fully Transparent with a Complete List of Sources: Transparency is one of our core values. Our search engine provides a comprehensive list of sources for each answer, allowing you to trace the information back to its roots and explore further if you wish.
  • Always Up to Date: Search is connected to the web, ensuring that the answers you receive are not only accurate but also up-to-date with the latest information and trends.
  • Concise and Straight to the Point Results: Clarity and conciseness are crucial when you're trying to solve a problem. Search offers answers that are brief yet informative. For queries requiring more in-depth information, we provide a summarized bottom line upfront so you can grasp the essentials before diving in and spending your time.
  • Supports Markdown: We understand the day-to-day needs of developers. That's why we designed Search to support Markdown, making it incredibly easy for you to copy and paste code snippets, commands, and other answers into your projects or notes.
  • Highly Convenient: What could be more convenient than having an advanced search engine built right into your new tab? With Search, you won't need to juggle between tabs or applications. It's always there, waiting to assist you whenever you need it.
  • Search History: Stores all your previous search queries that you've done on into Search History and Reading History. This enables you to revisit your past queries without having to remember the exact terms or retype them. A convenient way to keep track of the topics you've explored or problems you've been troubleshooting.
  • Smoother keyboard navigation: We've updated Search with keyboard shortcuts like + K (Mac) or Ctrl + K (PC) for easier result navigation. Now, you can easily navigate through your search results with ease.

Missing the previous search? As we innovate, we've renamed our old search engine to Post Finder, now accessible via the sidebar. This change aligns with our goal to provide a more efficient and comprehensive search experience. Thank you for evolving with us.

Integration with the Platform

One of the standout features of Search is its seamless integration with the platform. This isn't just a search engine operating in isolation; it's a cohesive part of your experience. Here's why this integration is such a game-changer:

  • ✨ Personalized Search Recommendations: Ever wonder how you can find more articles and resources that align with your interests? As you interact with content on—especially as you upvote articles—our platform learns about your preferences. This data is directly fed into Search. All you have to do is click on the button at the top of your results. From there, you are offered search recommendations that are incredibly personalized and relevant to your coding journey.
  • One Cohesive Experience: With Search integrated into the platform, you get everything you need in one place. Whether you're reading trending articles or seeking solutions to specific problems, everything is available in one place. It's a unified, distraction-free zone designed to enhance your productivity.
  • Consistent Updates: Any changes or updates made to the platform are automatically reflected in Search. This ensures that you always have access to the latest features and the most current information, all without needing to adapt to a new environment.

This tight-knit integration transforms Search from a simple utility to a powerful tool that enhances every facet of your experience. It's not just about finding answers; it's about becoming a more informed, more capable, and more connected developer.

Supported Use Cases Search is designed to help you in a wide range of scenarios that developers commonly face. Below is a table outlining some of these use cases:

Use CaseShort DescriptionExamplesSupport Level
Answering Technical QuestionsQueries aimed at solving specific technical problems or understanding how to do something.How to configure ESLint in VSCode, How to set up a Docker container🟢
Technology/Product SelectionQueries aimed at comparing technologies or products to make an informed choice.Angular vs React, Best IDE for Python🟢
Learning and Researching New Skills/ConceptsQueries focused on understanding new technical concepts, theories, or industry best practices.What are microservices, REST API best practices🟢
Time-Sensitive UpdatesQueries looking for the latest updates, features, or vulnerabilities in a specific technology.Latest Python release, Recent security vulnerabilities in Nginx🟢
Problem-solving/DebuggingQueries related to troubleshooting code errors or other issues during development.Resolve TypeException in JavaScript, Fix 404 error in Apache🟢
Code ExamplesQueries related to generating code snippets or templates for specific tasks.Generate REST API code in Node.js, Create React component template🟡
Non-Development RelatedQueries not directly related to software engineering, such as general knowledge or unrelated topics.Best coffee brands, How to grow houseplants🔴
Content GenerationQueries aimed at creating original content, which is beyond the scope of this search engine as it relies on existing web data.Generate marketing copy, Summarize this article for me🔴
Finding Specific Posts from daily.devQueries aimed at finding posts within the platform. To search posts please use Post finder"JavaScript", "Python"🔴

Explanation of Support Levels:

  • 🟢: This means that the use-case should be well supported as long as relevant and sufficient information has been found. Keep in mind that Search is still in beta.
  • 🟡: This level indicates that the use-case is partially supported and is currently undergoing improvements. Use with caution.
  • 🔴: This use-case is not officially supported. While Search may provide responses, it was not designed to handle these types of queries.

Getting the most accurate and useful information from Search often comes down to how well you craft your query. If you've ever wished for a search engine that speaks "Developer," you're in the right place. Here are some pro tips to supercharge your queries and get even more precise and relevant results.

1. Jargon is Your Friend Here

You're among developers, so feel free to talk like one. If you have a technical term or a piece of jargon that will make your query more precise, go ahead and use it.

🚫 Not Recommended: "Optimize server-side rendering in React"
Recommended: "How to optimize SSR hydration in React?"

2. Go Long-Tail for Niche Queries

Contrary to most search advice, getting super specific can actually improve the quality of your search results on If you have a niche question or topic, go ahead and make your query as detailed as you like.

🚫 Not Recommended: "Vue.js state management"
Recommended: "How do I manage local state in a Vue.js 3 composition API?"

3. Keep It Single-Task Focused

It's better to have a single, well-focused query than a multi-pronged question. This keeps our AI on point and gives you the most relevant information for what you're specifically asking about.

🚫 Not Recommended: "Compare Python and Ruby for web development and latest security vulnerabilities"
Recommended: "How does Python compare to Ruby for web development?" Then "What are the latest security vulnerabilities in Python/Ruby?"

4. Use Keywords, But Don't Be Shy About Context

While keywords are the bedrock of search queries, don't shy away from providing a bit more context if it makes your query clearer.

🚫 Not Recommended: "React state"
Recommended: "What are the best practices for managing state in React?"

5. Questions Are Welcome

Good news—our search engine loves questions! Phrasing your queries as questions can lead to more focused and accurate results.

🚫 Not Recommended: "JavaScript async updates"
Recommended: "What are the latest updates on async in JavaScript?"

6. Not ChatGPT for Developers: We Find, We Don't Write

It might be tempting to use Search as a content generator for things like blog posts or technical documentation. However, it's essential to understand that our wheelhouse is in finding the developer-related information you need. We don't generate original content like blog posts or technical documents.

🚫 Not Recommended: "Write a blog post about React Hooks"
Recommended: "Best practices for using React Hooks"

🚫 Not Recommended: "Generate technical documentation for my Python code"
Recommended: "Python technical documentation guidelines"


In essence, Search is your trusty companion for discovering the coding resources you require, but we're not the tool to create those resources from scratch. So, for all your finding needs, we're here; for your creating needs, there are other specialized platforms. Happy searching!

By putting these best practices to work, you can get the most out of Search, making it easier than ever to find exactly what you're looking for. So go ahead, ask us anything! Well, almost anything. 🤓

The Fine Print

Please note that while we've worked hard to make Search as accurate and helpful as possible, it still utilizes AI and Large-Laguage Models (LLMs) at its core. That means it might not always get everything 100% right. If you find something that seems off or unclear, we encourage you to double-check with other trusted sources. Your feedback is invaluable to us, especially as we're still in the beta phase. Thank you for understanding and for being a part of our community!